A number of Members have expressed concern that public access to the Valley might be curtailed under the plans being developed by Exeter University and have been anxiously awaiting the follow-up consultation which was initially scheduled for August, but postponed until now. We think many will decide that the delay was worthwhile; on studying the developing plans that are now out for consultation, it is clear that the University has taken seriously the comments made by the public in May on this as well as other key matters.

Fraser Browning, University of Exeter Sustainability Manager, has contacted the Trust keen that our members should participate. He states:

We really value the views of our community and local stakeholders as we look to finalise the designs for the Lower Hoopern Valley. Please consider these plans and let us know your thoughts via the feedback form at the link here.

We are holding an in-person exhibition on Tuesday 28 November 2023 in the Innovation Centre Café between 15.30 and 19.00. The Innovation Centre is building 25 on the campus map – feel free to drop by, chat to us and give your feedback to feed into our plans.