The Appeal Inspector has decided to dismiss the applicant’s appeal against the City Council’s refusal of 22/0397, an application for 10 bedroom purpose built student accommodation in the rear garden of 47 Union Road, itself a student House of Multiple Occupancy (HMO) with a licence to accommodate 13 tenants. A victory for all those individuals who submitted objections in defence of our Neighbourhood Plan.

The Inspector agreed that the proposal would harm the character and appearance of the area, and with regard to the Neighbourhood Plan failing to comply with a number of policies: C2, EN4, EN5, and D1.

Click here to view the relevant NP policies


Application 23/1161/FUL: Construction of a three-storey building to create 3 x 2-bedroom flats and associated landscaping. Land Adjacent To No 14 Old Park Road/ Land To The Rear Of 67 And 69 Longbrook Street Old Park Road Exeter

Please continue to help stem the tide; object by 29 October.

The contributions of numerous Trust Members who have submitted their individual objections to the Union Road and Pennsylvania Road applications, above, should not be under-estimated in these decisions. The Board would now encourage all to object to the latest application for a 3 storey block of flats in the rear curtilage of two large student HMOs, 67 and 69 Longbrook Street mentioning issues related, for example, to design and heritage, that are clearly relevant planning policy matters. We suggest care is needed in this instance regarding the issue of community balance! Read the Trust commentary here to find out why. Feel free to draw upon these comments to word your own objection.